Commute Calendar


Commute Calendar

Keeping Track of Your Green Commutes

The Commute Calendar is a convenient tool you can use to track both one-time rides and regular commute trips. As you record more trips, you'll see your savings in vehicle travel, pollution and cash add up. For certain regions and/or employers, you'll be eligible for prizes and other rewards for traveling any way better than driving alone.
Register/Login to Get Started

See How It Works

The Commute Calendar is laid out like a one-month calendar. By default, it starts in the current month. Note that you can't report trips in the future, and you can only report trips as much as 14 days in the past.

Convenient buttons are provided at the top to move from month to month and return to today's date.

After logging in, click the "Commute Calendar" tab to begin recording your trip data.

See the Step-by-Step Help Page
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