


Benefits of Choosing a Carpool Commute

Carpooling can be a great money saver for many people—even when you choose to share the ride one or two days a week. 

400 Hours

Average Time Spent Commuting Every Year

1,600 lbs

Pollution Saved by Carpooling Twice a Week

Up to 20%

Less Traffic by Carpooling Once a Week

The Do's and Don'ts of Carpooling

But once you get a carpool group set up, how do you keep it going? What are some things you can do to to maintain a positive experience for everyone? 

We want you to enjoy your carpooling experience, so here are some considerations to keep in mind when it comes to carpools.

Do communicate effectively and frequently with your fellow carpoolers. 

If you are going to be a few minutes late, make sure you call your group and let them know. If something happens and you cannot carpool at all on a given day, be sure you notify the rest of the group and give them enough notice so they can make other arrangements.

Do keep safety in mind at all times when driving.

When you are the driver, safety is up to everyone but it is ultimately your concern. If you are driving make sure you pay attention to the road and are not texting or talking on the phone while driving.

Be a safe passenger, and be sure you create a safe environment for everyone else in the car.

If you are a passenger, make sure you’re not a distraction to the driver and not a bother to the others in the car.

Do keep your vehicle clean and in good working condition.

This ensures that everyone has a comfortable ride with no concerns of vehicle malfunctions.

Do respect any and all rules that have been agreed upon by the group, such as smoking, eating, drinking, music, and so forth.

Don’t make a habit of being late.

Don’t ask to make extra stops along the way.

Don’t bring up controversial topics that have the potential of making other passengers feel uncomfortable.

Don’t use your cell phone while driving with others. In case of an emergency, please inform other passengers know that you have to make a call.

Customized to You
✓ Find matches near your home, along your route or the nearest park-n-ride
✓ Adjust your work hours and flexibility
✓ Search entire database or only with others from your location

Search for Carpool Partners with Commute Match

Commute Match is a flexible tool that helps you to design a commute that best meets your needs and schedule. Find others who live and work nearby that also want to share the ride to work. Search for carpool partners, vanpool groups, nearby park-n-rides, bike buddies, as well as see the best routes for using public transit and biking to work.
Visit Commute Match

Carpooling FAQs

  • How can I get my company to participate in eCommuter’s programs?

    Just ask your Human Resources manager, office manager or operations manager to visit our website or give us a call at 781-895-1100. We’ll provide them with all the info they need.

  • If I sign up for ridesharing, do I have commit to 5 days a week?

    No, the average carpooler shares a ride 3 times a week. The more you carpool, the more you benefits you enjoy – greater savings, a lot less stress, and an increase in productivity.

  • If I sign up for carpooling, do I have to carpool with the suggested candidates?

    No, you are under no obligation. We simply provide the information you need to form a carpool.

  • I have an irregular work schedule. Would I still be able to carpool?

    Yes. One of the really flexible and helpful things about our online ride matching service is that it helps you find other commuters with similar schedules.

  • What happens if I have errands to take care of, an appointment with a doctor, or a child to bring to daycare or school?

    Carpooling is a flexible arrangement between you and the other riders. It will be fairly easy to fit appointments, errands and other events into your carpool schedule. You just need to be a bit flexible. Towards this end and to be respectful to your fellow riders, schedule doctors’ appointments on days when you’re not carpooling. If, for example, you have an off-site meeting to get to on a carpool day, schedule it for a day that you are driving. If you have a child to drop off at school, maybe you can meet your carpool partner(s) at the school or at a nearby Park & Ride lot.

  • How can I be make certain that I’m with a safe rider or driver?

    You can call potential carpool partners and discuss driving safety. Before you get in a car with somebody, you may want to meet the person to see if he or she is a trustworthy person. If you still feel unsure, you could also ask for personal references. If it simply doesn’t seem like a good fit, just try one of the other matches from your list.

  • What if I have to work late, or have an emergency?

    First, notify the other riders in your carpool or vanpool. It’s very important to do this right away. If you are the driver that day, then they will need time to make alternate arrangements. If you’re a passenger, however, you can take a cab home and get fully reimbursed through the TransAction eCommuter Emergency Ride Home program (limitations apply).

Green Commuters, Enroll Today!


Sponsored by your employer, residential property, or Transportation Management Association (TMA), ERH is provided to encourage commuters to leave their cars at home and use a less-polluting commute method. It ensures that if there is an emergency during the workweek, green commuters will not be left stranded at work.

In the event of an emergency, transportation is provided by Lyft™, taxi or Enterprise Rent-A-Car® — usually within thirty minutes — and at no cost to the participant.
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